Frequently Asked Questions about FIDE FORUM
Who are we?

FIDE FORUM stands for "Financial Institutions Directors' Education FORUM". It is an alumni association for Directors of Financial Institutions who have participated, either completed or currently ongoing, in the FIDE Core Programme.

Who founded FIDE FORUM?

FIDE FORUM is the initiative of alumni Members of the FIDE Core Programme.

What is the vision and mission of FIDE FORUM?

To be an exclusive network for FI Directors to enhance Board excellence for sustainable business growth and financial stability.

To provide seamless board services to enhance FI Directors' awareness, Board Talent and Board Effectiveness by leveraging on thought leadership and insights of Members.

What is the difference between FIDE, FIDE CORE PROGRAMME, and FIDE FORUM?

FIDE stands for "Financial Institutions Directors' Education" and generally seeks to enhance boardroom governance within the financial sector and advocates best practices and excellence in corporate governance. Under the FIDE banner, two separate institutions are providing complementary services to achieve this aim:

  • FIDE Core Programme, which provides structured education programmes for directors and potential directors of financial institutions. The Iclif Leadership and Governance Centre administer FIDE Core Programme; and
  • FIDE FORUM complements the learning at FIDE Core Programme by providing its alumni Members continuous professional development, access to various research, and other resources that could help members achieve the aim of FIDE FORUM as stated above. FIDE FORUM's day-to-day operations are overseen by the Chief Executive Officer appointed by FIDE FORUM's Board of Directors and who reports to the Chairman of the Board.
Is FIDE FORUM accessible to the public?

FIDE FORUM's events are exclusively for members only.

What are the benefits of becoming a member?

Some of the benefits of membership are as follows:

  • Exclusive invitations to meetings and discussions with regulators, e.g. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM), on matters of interest to Directors
  • Network and exchange ideas with other member Directors in the industry
  • Experience FIDE FORUM's structured Directors' continuous professional development plan
  • Unlimited access to Research Materials and Reports prepared by Consultants or Subject Matter Experts on relevant topics, e.g. Directors' Remuneration package
  • Right to access Board Services such as Board Effectiveness Evaluation, Board Succession Planning, and Directors Register
  • Special invitation, on a complimentary or preferential rate basis, to events and talks by renowned experts hosted by FIDE FORUM
What are the membership criteria?

FIDE FORUM membership consists of three classes of members as follows:

  • Group Corporate Membership – The qualification of a Group Corporate Member, subject to the approval of the Board, shall be a member of a Financial Group whose board of directors (current and new) is required by BNM to complete the FIDE Core Programme under their respective entities; and has made the payment of an annual subscription fee of RM100,000 per annum.

    Financial Group means a financial holding company or corporation and of the related companies or corporations within its group which are primarily engaged in financial services or in other services in connection with or for the purposes of such financial services, which includes at least one Financial Institution.
  • Corporate Membership – The qualification of a Corporate Member, subject to the approval of the Board, shall be a Financial Institution whose board of directors (current and new) is required by BNM to complete the FIDE Core Programme, and has made the payment of an annual subscription fee of RM25,000 per annum. Financial Institutions means companies or corporations licensed and regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia under the Financial Services Act 2013 and Islamic Financial Services Act 2013, and/or companies or corporations regulated by BNM under the Development Financial Institutions Act 2002 as amended or substituted from time to time.
  • Individual Membership – The qualification of an Individual Member, subject to the approval of the Board, shall be those individuals who have successfully graduated from the FIDE Core Programme and meets any other requirements as deemed appropriate by the Board and have made the payment of an annual subscription fee of RM500.00 per alumni.
  • Associate Membership – Subject to Board approval, Associate Membership is open to organisation and corporations that, in the esteemed view of the Board, exert a substantial influence or provide crucial support to the financial industry in its mission to uphold and strengthen financial stability within Malaysia, which includes a range of companies, both domestic and international, which possess the following characteristics:
    • Entities duly licensed, approved, authorised, registered, and/or subject to regulatory oversight by the esteemed Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)
    • Entities licensed and/or regulated by other regulators in or outside Malaysia
    • Institutions legally established under Acts of Parliament
    • Other institutions that the Board deems pertinent to advancing FIDE FORUM's objectives
    To qualify for Associate Membership, the Board of Directors of the applying company or corporation must complete the Governance Programme. This comprehensive program ensures that directors possess the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of the
    financial industry successfully.

Membership application is subject to approval by the FIDE FORUM's Board of Directors and payment of annual membership fees.

What are the annual membership fees?

The current annual membership fee by membership categories is as follows:

  • Group Corporate Membership - RM100,000.00 per annum
  • Corporate Membership - RM25,000.00 per annum
  • Individual Membership - RM500.00 per annum
  • Associate Membership - RM12,500.00 per annum
How is FIDE FORUM funded?

FIDE FORUM is a non-profit organisation. Membership fees fund the organisation.