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News of the Day - 10 January 2022
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10 January 2022
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News of the Day - 10 January 2022

Develop national vision to tackle longstanding structural issues
10 January 2022, New Straits Times

Ringgit to gain on improved economy, strong commodity prices
10 January 2022, The Malaysian Reserve

Govt needs constant engagement with businesses during recovery period
10 January 2022, The Malaysian Reserve

Singapore's industrial champions are rewriting their playbook
10 January 2022, The Malaysian Reserve

What is Web 3.0?
10 January 2022, The Star

Bitcoin's swoon deepens as bears begin to test US$40,000 thresold
10 January 2022, The Star

Hedge funds end challenging 2021 with 10.3% gain
10 January 2022, The Star

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