Citigroup plans to withdraw from two-thirds of foreign exchange platforms 31 October 2019, Financial Times (Singapore) Deutsche results underline scale of challenge that confronts Sewing 31 October 2019, Financial Times (Singapore) Deutsche Bank: whiteout 31 October 2019, Financial Times (Singapore) Fed cuts key rate by 25bp but tempers hope of further easing 31 October 2019, Financial Times (Singapore) Green epiphany of the Kuwait sovereign wealth fund boss 31 October 2019, Financial Times (Singapore) Lagarde urges Germany and the Netherlands to invest more 31 October 2019, Financial Times (Singapore) PNB promises to drive improvements in investee companies 31 October 2019, The Edge Financial Daily Measures in place to contain effects if global economy worsens - ministry 31 October 2019, The Edge Financial Daily Singapore economy undergoing 'fits and starts' 31 October 2019, The Edge Financial Daily