News of the Day - 28 August 2019
General insurance industry needs more liberalisation - Piam
28 August 2019, The Edge Financial Daily
Monetary policy data-dependent, says ECB's vice-president
28 August 2019, The Edge Financial Daily
Threats to world trade are 'significant risk'- RBA deputy governor
28 August 2019, The Edge Financial Daily
Singapore faces rising tide of bad debt
28 August 2019, The Malaysian Reserve
Political will needed to quicken pace of structural reforms, economists say
28 August 2019, The Malaysian Reserve
SMEs need more diversified financing ecosystem
28 August 2019, The Malaysian Reserve
Central banks just love gold and it's going to stay that way
28 August 2019, The Star
India bank unveils US$24bil govt windfall
28 August 2019, The Star