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News of the Day - 20 January 2020
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20 January 2020
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News of the Day - 20 January 2020

Morgan Stanley chiefs 7% pay cut aims to reflect job losses and cost-control programme
20 January 2020, Financial Times (Singapore)

Shadow banking sector shifts into decline
20 January 2020, Financial Times (Singapore)

Wall St banks step up fund arm battle
20 January 2020, Financial Times (Singapore)

E-wallet space likely to see consolidation this year
20 January 2020, The Edge Financial Daily

Avoid excessive stimulus for economic rebound
20 January 2020, The Malaysian Reserve

Lower EPF dividend expected due to weak equities
20 January 2020, The Malaysian Reserve

Central banks face a year of mounting challenges
20 January 2020, The Edge

Technology and digital economy to drive FDI growth in Malaysia
20 January 2020, The Edge

Poser on Malaysia's new fundraising option
20 January 2020, The Star

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