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News of the Day - 12 March 2020
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12 March 2020
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News of the Day - 12 March 2020

Swedbank finds $4.8m in suspect activity
12 March 2020, Financial Times (Singapore)

US lawsuits target Deutsche and Bayer chiefs
12 March 2020, Financial Times (Singapore)

S'pore 2020 growth forecast cut 0.6%
12 March 2020, The Edge Financial Daily

The Fed cannot let bond yields fall to zero
12 March 2020, The Edge Financial Daily

Bursa bucks regional trend
12 March 2020, The Malaysian Reserve

What would an Olympics cancellation cost Japan?
12 March 2020, The Malaysian Reserve

Emergency rate cuts loom for Asia as virus slams economies
12 March 2020, The Star
Hedge funds make gains on back of volatility
12 March 2020, Financial Times (Singapore)

Global financial firms ramp up contingency plans
12 March 2020, The Edge Financial Daily

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