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The Global Economy in Turbulent Times
published on
February 24, 2017
written by
Dr. See-Yan Lin
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0 min
Geopolitics and Macro Economy
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The Global Economy in Turbulent Times


In The Global Economy in Turbulent Times, Harvard-educated economist Dr. Lin See-Yan presents his observations and analysis of the global economy and the most pressing issues facing the world's financial future. The book provides an absorbing account of the state of the world during the Great Recession years since 2008, giving a run-down on how the US struggles with the jobless recovery; on why the eurozone can't cut and grow in the face of the Greece tragedy; and on Japan's stint in deep hibernation. There are also insights into why the international monetary system is in urgent need of reform, as well as into man's addiction to gold, and the critical banking reform efforts. 

This book is available at and MPH Bookstore. - Link to the book
MPH Online - Link to the book

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