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News of the Day - 7 February 2022
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07 February 2022
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News of the Day - 7 February 2022

Dutch governor backs swifter ECB rate rise
7 February 2022, Financial Times (Singapore)

MPS to pick new chief after pressure from Rome
7 February 2022, Financial Times (Singapore)

Token effort fight from risk leaves crytpto investment products with record outlows
7 February 2022, Financial Times (Singapore)

China groups test waters for returm to US public listeings
7 February 2022, Financial Times (Singapore)

Treasuries signal room for Fed to lift rates
7 February 2022, Financial Times (Singapore)

Credit Suisse quietly offloads risk of lending to oligarchs for private jets
7 February 2022, Financial Times (Singapore)

Goodbye easy money as hawkish central banks speed up rate hikes
7 February 2022, The Malaysian Reserve

7 February 2022, New Straits Times

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