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News of the day - 30 April 2019
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30 April 2019
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News of the day - 30 April 2019

It's off
30 April 2019, The Economist

30 April 2019, The Economist

Crude tactics
30 April 2019, The Economist

Sales assistance
30 April 2019, The Economist

How does Bitcoin fit into today's economy?
30 April 2019, International New York Times

SC sees good year ahead for sukuk
30 April 2019, The Malaysian Reserve

No immediate signs of foreign fund outflow deceleration,say experts
30 April 2019, The Malaysian Reserve

'Malaysia's stock market might turn a corner soon'
30 April 2019, The Edge Financial Daily

Global tightening cycle over, slower ride for growth ahead
30 April 2019, The Star

'Rare' wave of hiring hits Hong Kong as virtual banks beef up
30 April 2019, The Malaysian Reserve

How giants fall in China
30 April 2019, The Malaysian Reserve

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