News of the Day - 8 July 2019 @ 12pm
Investors put risk of recession at highest level in four years
8 July 2019, Financial Times (Singapore)
Punjab National Bank reports $556m fraud
8 July 2019, Financial Times (Singapore)
Bank Negara relaxes lending guidelines for SMEs
8 July 2019, The Edge
Global uncertainties expected to extend into 2H2019
8 July 2019, The Edge
Economic outlook for second half still gloomy
8 July 2019, The Edge
Financialisation undermines real economy
8 July 2019, The Edge
Malaysia's credit rating strong
8 July 2019, The Malaysian Reserve
Deutsche to exit equities trading and hive off Euro 74bn into 'bad bank'
8 July 2019, Financial Times (Singapore)
Interest in cryptocurrency increases following regulator's approval
8 July 2019, The Malaysian Reserve
Thumbs down to Facebook's cryptocurrency
8 July 2019, The Edge
US stock investors risk their money for more gains
8 July 2019, The Star
Stock market recovers from 1H slump
8 July 2019, The Malaysian Reserve