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News of the Day - 2 January 2020
published on
02 January 2020
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News of the Day - 2 January 2020

JPMorgan to tighten customer security
2 January 2020, Financial Times (Singapore)

Germany's Scope takes the long view as it aims to break stranglehold of US rating agencies
2 January 2020, Financial Times (Singapore)

Languid forex trading due a wake-up call
2 January 2020, Financial Times (Singapore)

China's tech industry straps in for more turbulence
2 January 2020, The Star

Central bank enhances laws on money laundering
2 January 2020, The Malaysian Reserve

To peg or not to peg?
2 January 2020, The Malaysian Reserve

E-wallets to carve up more market
2 January 2020, The Star

'Economy to remain resilient'
2 January 2020, The Star

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