News of the Day - 10 December 2019
Fears are growing of a risky race to the bottom on bank rules
10 December 2019, Financial Times (Singapore)
Goldman Sachs: less is core
10 December 2019, Financial Times (Singapore)
Swedbank taps consultants to tackle cultural appraisal
10 December 2019, Financial Times (Singapore)
Watchdogs take aim at Big Tech's data dominance
10 December 2019, The Edge Financial Daily
World Bank lowers Malaysia's 2020 growth forecast to 4.5%
10 December 2019, The Edge Financial Daily
Moody's: Property loans remain a threat to Malaysian banks
10 December 2019, The Malaysian Reserve
Meant to be
7 December 2019, The Economist
Nothing personal
7 December 2019, The Economist
Poor scores
7 December 2019, The Economist
Turning a Page and a Brin
7 December 2019, The Economist
Central bankers must explain the benefits of negative rates
10 December 2019, Financial Times (Singapore)