News of the Day - 09 April 2019
Bad loans at small China banks spark fears
9 April 2019, Financial Times (Singapore)
Call for protest over Credit Suisse pay policy
9 April 2019, Financial Times (Singapore)
9 April 2019, The Economist
Manufacturing blame
9 April 2019, The Economist
Oil filter
9 April 2019, The Economist
Crypto lenders push no- tax perk of leveraging bitcoin for cash
9 April 2019, The Malaysian Reserve
Renaissance or reprieve? The global economy sends mixed signals
9 April 2019, The Malaysian Reserve
BNM's proposed capital requirement increase for banks credit positive - Moody's
9 April 2019, The Edge Financial Daily
Time for a true global currency
9 April 2019, The Edge Financial Daily
Asean economies expected to stay resilient
9 April 2019, The Edge Financial Daily